Why Native Plants?
We are in the midst of Earth’s sixth mass extinction.
But there is still hope!
Restore Habitat by Planting Native.
Feed the bees.
Bees need a steady supply of pollen and nectar throughout their life cycle. While many bees are generalists and can feed from a wide range of flowers, about 25% of bee species in Eastern North America are pollen specialists. They can only feed their young with pollen from specific native plants; without these plants, they will not survive.
Feed the caterpillars.
While adult butterflies feed on nectar, in their larval stage most eat foliage. Many species of butterflies can only lay their eggs on host plants that have co-evolved with them. A famous example is the caterpillars of the Monarch butterfly, which can only feed on milkweed. Without native plants to provide caterpillars the appropriate food, these butterfly species will disappear.
Feed the birds.
96% of bird species feed their young a diet of insects. Caterpillars are the most prized food for nesting birds, as they contain a high amount of nutrients. Carolina Chickadees feed their nestlings 6,000-9,000 caterpillars over a 16 day nesting period. While seeds and berries are important foods during the cooler months, without a steady supply of caterpillars, bird numbers will continue to decline.
Feed the soul.
Both gardening and spending time in nature has proven benefits for physical and mental health. Gardening with native plants has even more advantages: native plantings require significantly fewer material inputs, such as water, mulch, and fertilizer, compared to traditional gardening; well-designed native plantings are low maintenance once established; and you get the chance to create a diverse ecosystem to enjoy and explore.
Every day brings new opportunities for learning and discovery, right in your own backyard!